Mental Health Awareness Week: How can Kelio support the workplace?
Did you know that you can support your staff’s wellbeing by noticing patterns and trends in their time and attendance behaviour?
With Mental Health Awareness Week on 13th to 19th May 2024, Kelio is aware of the benefits of staff monitoring. Our time and attendance solutions can assist in discovering frequent or unusual absence patterns that may emerge, providing an important opportunity to connect with your staff and a chance to support them.
Staff are absent for many reasons, including sickness, family issues, medical appointments, occupational illness and mental health reasons. Using Kelio’s Time and Attendance management system, different types of absence can be created and managed, including the number of days absent, the duration of absence, return to work conditions and supporting documentation; this may include doctor’s sick notes.
Contact us to see how Kelio can support your workforce with monitoring their absence and supporting mental health awareness.